
Stats of Chironico Boulder









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Photo of Chironico Boulder

Bouldering in Chironico

Chironico, located in Switzerland, is renowned for its exceptional gneiss rock formations. With an excellent reputation among climbers, this area offers a variety of bouldering challenges, including crimps, slopers, and jugs. The best season to visit is during the cooler months, making it a popular destination for climbers seeking technical and physical bouldering experiences.

Videos 250
Rock type Gneiss
Altitude 802m

Guidebooks of Chironico Boulder

Map of Chironico Boulder

List of 27 Sectors of Chironico Boulder

Name Problems
101 8
Altirolo barriera 2
Altirolo chiesa 1
Anchor's punch 4
Barriera 3
Boogalagga 24
Border line 9
Centrale 20
Deliverance 31
Doctor Med Dent 6
Fiume Ticino 1
Freak brothers 10
La soucoupe 6
Les doigts verts 7
Matusalem 6
Monolithe 3
New Age 8
Nivo alta 8
Nivo bassa 28
Paese 21
Rah Plats Plat 1
Rah Plats Plats 15
Schattental 10
Schattental fiume 8
Serre moi fort 5
Shattental 2
Teamwork 3

List of Playlists from Chironico Boulder



Altirolo barriera

Altirolo chiesa

Anchor's punch



Border line



Doctor Med Dent

Fiume Ticino

Freak brothers

La soucoupe

Les doigts verts



New Age

Nivo alta

Nivo bassa


Rah Plats Plats


Schattental fiume

Serre moi fort


List of 250 Problems in Video of Chironico Boulder

Name Grade Sector
7c+ Schattental
8a Centrale
7a Anchor's punch
6c (sit) Freak brothers
3 Nivo bassa
6b Freak brothers
7b+ Border line
7b Paese
5+ Nivo bassa
6a+ Deliverance
6b+ Deliverance
8a Anchor's punch
6a Altirolo barriera
6b+ Deliverance
3 Deliverance
7b Nivo bassa
6a Rah Plats Plat
7a+ Serre moi fort
6a Nivo bassa
7C Altirolo barriera
6b Border line
6b Doctor Med Dent
6c+/7a Paese
5+ Paese
7a+ Paese
8b Nivo alta
6a+ Deliverance
8b+ 101
8b+ Boogalagga
8A Paese
8b Boogalagga
7a Border line
6c La soucoupe
7c Rah Plats Plats
7c+ Schattental
7a+ Rah Plats Plats
8a Les doigts verts
6b+ Les doigts verts
7c+ Nivo bassa
6a+ Boogalagga
6c Rah Plats Plats
5+/6a Centrale
7c Teamwork
6a+ New Age
7b+/7c Boogalagga
8a+ Schattental fiume
8b Schattental fiume
6a Deliverance
6b Deliverance
8a/+ Deliverance
8a+ 101
8b+/8c 101
6b+ Centrale
6a+ Centrale
6a+ Les doigts verts
6a Freak brothers
7b Matusalem
7c+/8a Boogalagga
7b Doctor Med Dent
7c Boogalagga
7c Doctor Med Dent
6a Border line
5+ Rah Plats Plats
7a New Age
6b+ Boogalagga
6b+ Nivo alta
7b Nivo alta
8a+ Schattental fiume
7b (sit) Doctor Med Dent
6b Freak brothers
6b+ (sit) Freak brothers
6a+/6b Rah Plats Plats
6a Rah Plats Plats
7c+ Nivo bassa
8a Nivo bassa
7a Nivo bassa
8c Boogalagga
8a Freak brothers
5+ Border line
8c Schattental
8a+ Centrale
6a Matusalem
6b Schattental fiume
3 Barriera
7a Boogalagga
6b Border line
6c Boogalagga
7a Paese
6c+ Nivo bassa
7a Nivo bassa
6c Matusalem
7c+ Deliverance
6a+ New Age
7b+ Paese
6a+ Deliverance
8b+ 101
6a+ Centrale
6c Centrale
8A+ Paese
6b+ Deliverance
8a+ 101
7c+ Fiume Ticino
6b Nivo bassa
7c Paese
6c/7a Nivo bassa
7c Schattental fiume
6a+ Schattental fiume
6a Border line
7c Schattental
8a Nivo alta
3 Deliverance
6a+ Nivo bassa
6b+ Nivo bassa
7b Monolithe
7b+ Monolithe
7c (sit) Monolithe
7b+ Les doigts verts
8a (sit) Les doigts verts
8a+ Nivo bassa
7c+ Serre moi fort
7b+ Centrale
7c (sit) Centrale
8b+ Nivo bassa
6a Deliverance
7a Paese
a+ Boogalagga
7b Nivo bassa
7a Doctor Med Dent
6a+ Deliverance
5 Centrale
7a Nivo alta
6c+ Matusalem
7b Anchor's punch
7c+ Schattental
8a Boogalagga
6c+ Serre moi fort
7A+ Boogalagga
5 Boogalagga
7c+ Anchor's punch
8A+ Boogalagga
6b New Age
7a+ New Age
8a+ Deliverance
6c Nivo alta
7b+ Schattental
8a (sit) Schattental
6c+/7a Rah Plats Plats
6b+ Border line
6c Barriera
7b Schattental
7a Centrale
7c Teamwork
6a New Age
7b+ Schattental
6c Rah Plats Plats
5+ Barriera
6a Doctor Med Dent
5 Centrale
7b+ Paese
5 Rah Plats Plats
6b Boogalagga
6b Centrale
5+ Deliverance
5 Freak brothers
4+ Deliverance
5+ Centrale
5+ Boogalagga
6b+ Schattental fiume
6b Boogalagga
6a+ Centrale
4 Centrale
5 Matusalem
5+ Deliverance
8a Deliverance
7a+ Nivo bassa
8a Rah Plats Plats
8a Rah Plats Plats
6b Nivo bassa
7a+ Nivo bassa
6a+ Rah Plats Plats
7b+ Les doigts verts
6a+/6b Centrale
7c+ Boogalagga
5 Deliverance
6b+ Nivo bassa
3 Deliverance
7a Centrale
7a+ Boogalagga
5+ Shattental
6c Schattental fiume
6a La soucoupe
7a La soucoupe
6a Deliverance
8a+ (sit) Boogalagga
8a+ Nivo bassa
7a+ Shattental
6c Border line
8a+/8b Deliverance
7a Deliverance
8a+ Nivo bassa
6a Deliverance
5+ Rah Plats Plats
6b+ Rah Plats Plats
7a Deliverance
7b+ Serre moi fort
8A (sit) Serre moi fort
7c+ New Age
8b La soucoupe
6a 101
7c Nivo bassa
6b Freak brothers
7a Paese
6b+ Paese
7a+/7b Schattental
8a Paese
6b+ Nivo bassa
5 Centrale
6b+ Deliverance
6b Deliverance
6c Centrale
8a+ (low) Paese
8a (sit) Teamwork
7a+ Paese
7b+ Deliverance
8a+ Nivo bassa
8a Nivo alta
6c+ Paese
6c+ Les doigts verts
7b+/7c Rah Plats Plats
8a Nivo bassa
7b Freak brothers
7c Altirolo chiesa
7b Freak brothers
8b Nivo bassa
6a Paese
8a 101
8b+ Nivo alta
6c Paese
6b Boogalagga
7c 101
7c Paese
6a+ Matusalem
7a (with chipped pocket) La soucoupe
6c Paese
6a+ Deliverance
6c+ Boogalagga
6a+ Deliverance
7c+/8a La soucoupe
8a Boogalagga
6a+ New age